All services can be offered through virtual care sessions.
Virtual Care
What is virtual care and how will this help my child?
All services including assessments, treatment and parent-coaching can be provided through virtual care
Who can benefit from virtual-care?
Virtual services are tailored to suit the age and stage of each child.
The youngest children (under 30 months of age) will be serviced primarily through a parent-coaching and consultation model. The child may be engaged in play or an activity with the parent while I observe the interaction through the video call. I then follow-up with the parent and we collaborate on a plan based on the child’s needs.
The older child (often 3 years and up) is often interested in looking at books and engaging in fun activities on-screen. Parents are encouraged to attend these virtual sessions alongside the child .
Why virtual care?
During the Co-vid 19 pandemic, we need to keep children and families safe while still allowing access to important therapies. Virtual-care is a way to provide high-quality service to families in the comfort and safety of their own home. Virtual care allows me to provide service to any family who resides in Ontario.
How will virtual care work?
Please e-mail or phone me to make an appointment . We will set a specific time to meet and I will provide you with a link for a virtual visit by zoom. I will also provide you with some ideas for how to set up your environment for your child.
The most recent outcomes and feedback from families is indicating that virtual care works!
You know your child best and you know that the first five years are crucial years for development in the young child’s life. You may be concerned that your child seems late to talk.
You may feel that your child understands you but the words just aren’t coming out. You may wonder about your child’s speech clarity or you may be curious about your child’s social interaction skills.
Whatever questions you have , I can guide you in understanding your child’s speech and language skills and I can help you learn how to best help your child . I am passionate in my role as a speech language pathologist and I am here to help!